DAP Batu Kitang chief makes Christmas visits

Aziz (second left) and other visitors pose for a group photo during a visit to KK Paul's house.

KUCHING, Dec 26: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Batu Kitang Branch chairman Abdul Aziz Isa and his branch members made Christmas visits to several open houses at Kampung Sudat in Batu Kitang yesterday.

According to a press release issued today, they first visited the house of Kampung Sudat village chief KK Dr Paul. This was followed by a visit to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Lay Reader Paulus Ripon.

Aziz (fifth from right) visiting Dimin (fourth right), who is one of the oldest voters in Batu Kitang constituency.

Thereafter, the group proceeded to visit SK Sacred Heart Semeba headmaster Joseph Jiton, DAP Batu Kitang Branch committee member Phil Baxter as well as Johit Jimang and Alex John.


In the evening, Aziz and the entourage continued their open house visits at Kampung Semeba, also under the Batu Kitang state constituency.

They visited Paul Dahop, Petrus Fregard, Eric Helricson Jotem and Dimin’s family. — DayakDaily
