Contractor of wave breaker project instructed to standby excavator to remove debris

Lee (third left) during a site visit to Kuala Batu 1 beach.

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, March 5: The contractor in charge of the wave breaker project along Kuala Batu 1 beach has been instructed to have an excavator on standby to remove the wooden debris washed ashore to the boat ramp.

This was disclosed by Minister of Transport Sarawak Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin during today’s site visit.


“As a temporary measure, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Sarawak also proposed to use nets to trap the debris, and are discussing with local fishermen to try it out, pending the completion of the wave breaker project,” he pointed out.

According to the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Sarawak report, the debris comprise leaves, twigs, and other organic matters. Thus, they are non-toxic.

However, due to frequent high tides, these organic matters are brought to the beach boat ramp and boatshed by waves.

“The accumulated debris block the boat ramp, and fishermen were unable to move their fishing boats to sea,” said the Senadin assemblyman. — DayakDaily
