Completion of ‘Projek Jalan Kampung’ ensures flood-free status for Rh Lawang ak Ringkai, Rumah Silas in Ulu Sebauh

Uggah (center) and Jepak assemblyman Iskandar Turkee (fourth right) inspecting the road upgrading works at Rh Lawang today.

KUCHING, Dec 2: Rumah Lawang ak Ringkai in Sungai Tubau and Rumah Silas in Ulu Sebauh will not be affected by seasonal floods following the completion of ‘Projek Jalan Kampung’.

In a statement today, Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the completion of the road would also provide better access road to their longhouse.

“The project was undertaken by JKR Sarawak, who recently helped to raise the level of the 750m road,” he said.


Uggah, who is also the Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development, said the project included deepening works on drains on both sides of the road.

He added that JKR Sarawak is currently making preparations to tar seal the road. — DayakDaily
