CM: State govt committed to ensure progress for all


KUCHING: The state government is committed to ensuring no community gets left behind in the march towards development.

Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg said this was the core of his administration and that he would make every effort to look after the interest of every Sarawakian from every ethnic group in the state, according to The Borneo Post.

“This is our approach — meaning that we have plans for all the races regardless of their backgrounds. Therefore, never play up racial and religious sentiments because we need to focus on the development towards (bringing positive) changes to our society,” he said at the distribution of ‘korban’ meat at Masjid Darul Hana in Kampung Patingan here yesterday.


He highlighted the Darul Hana modern village project which is underway and the construction of the Hikmah Exchange Twin Tower which are aimed at transforming Satok into a new business district which would boost the development of the local Malay community.

He also mentioned redevelopment and rejuvenation plans for the Padungan area, amongst others, to support the Chinese community.

The chief minister also drew attention to the setting up of the Upper Rajang Development Authority (URDA) which is expected to benefit the residents of Kapit and the Upper Rajang which mainly consist of Iban as well as the appointment of Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing as URDA chairman and Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi who is also Kapit MP, as URDA deputy chairman.

“We are also helping the Kelabit and Orang Ulu communities through the establishment of the Highland Development Agency, chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas,” he added.
