Chong, Baru challenged to make their stand on ex-minister’s ‘immigration’ remark

Voon Lee Shan - file pic

KUCHING, Sept 27: Former Batu Lintang assemblyman Voon Lee Shan is challenging state Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders, notably Chong Chieng Jen and Baru Bian, to respond to former minister Datuk Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz’s recent call to Sarawak and Sabah to let go of their immigration autonomy in exchange for becoming equal partners in the federation.

Last week, Nazri was quoted as saying that he supported giving equal status to Sarawak and Sabah but felt that both states should drop their immigration requirements on people from the peninsula.

“When there is no more immigration restrictions, then only are we equal,” Nazri was reported as saying.


Since then, Voon noted that Sarawak PH leaders, including Baru (state Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chairman) and Chong (state PH chairman), just kept mum over the issue.

Saying that several politicians from the peninsula also voiced the same thing as Nazri, Voon wondered if Chong and Baru would disagree if the state government barred political leaders from the peninsula from campaigning or giving ‘ceramah’ in the state.

“Isn’t this against the right of movement as stated in the constitution? If they (Baru and Chong) keep quiet, it can give people bullets to shoot (them).

“This is because a leader must, for right or wrong, take a stand,” stressed Voon.

He opined that Baru and Chong are the type of leaders who are not able to make a decision when a crisis such as this happens. — DayakDaily
