Children of Bakun Resettlement Scheme receive free English lessons

A section of the students listen attentively to Umie during lesson.

SIBU, Oct 30: Realising the importance of education as the key to upgrade the social development of the Kenyah and Kayan communities in Bakun Resettlement Scheme in Sungai Asap, chairperson of Kenyah Uma Baha Women’s Association Sibu Umie Liau decided to conduct free English Mobile Clinic for the pupils in the area.

“It is only through education that families here can upgrade their living standard. Education is also the only way to bring transformation to our community here. It is for these particular reasons that I am giving free English lesson to the children here,” she said.

Currently Umie teaches 21 pupils from Primary one to five and her pupils are from Uma Baha Longhouse. In time to come and encouraged by the overwhelming response, she intends to expand her English lessons to 15 other longhouses in the area.

Umie wants rural children to have good education.

“The children here need improvement in their command of the language. For a start, I am teaching them phonetics first before tutoring them on writing,” she said.

Umie teaches her 21 pupils in one group regardless of age using the same syllabus. Classes are conducting during her free time and each session lasted some 90 minutes.

“I started this lesson two months ago with a small group of students. Their number swelled as the children here are very enthusiastic in their study,” she added.

“However I prefer to keep my classes small for better individual attention and easier management,” She added.

Besides imparting her knowledge of the English language, she is also teachings the children on the proper usage of facemask in light of Covid-19 pandemic. — DayakDaily
