Centexs Commercial Media to be on frontline pushing Sarawak-made products more widely virtually

Awang Tengah (centre) flanked by Sabariah on his right and Naroden on his left, give their thumbs-up after presenting the mock cheque for RM50,000 to Centexs Commercial which was received by Shahren (left).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Nov 11: The newly launched Centexs Commercial Media (CCM) is set to be on the frontlines in promoting Sarawak-made product initiatives currently implemented until 2030.

CCM is a digital media platform which aims to create a more dynamic and centralised promotional ecosystem in developing and expanding products by local entrepreneurs through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan emphasised that the idea of setting up CCM was triggered last May as the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Industrial Terminal, and Entrepreneurial Development (Mintred) and Centre of Technical Excellence (Centexs) Commercial felt the need for a centralised platform to widely and aggressively promote and market Sarawak’s heritage products.

“The local market is not big enough and that’s why we need to explore other markets including penetrating into the Peninsular market as the gateway to markets beyond our own shore and that of Singapore (where Sarawak already has a base).

“But of course our products must comply with the standards requirement and have high quality. This is important. Globally, the self-care, beauty and healthcare market is huge and growing rapidly.

“I believe we are all able (to build on this trend and growth). I am impressed as the pandemic has fueled the growth of entrepreneurship, even in rural areas, which is why people are demanding for digital infrastructure to be developed,” he said during the launching of CCM at the Centexs headquarters at Jalan Sultan Tengah here today.

Awang Tengah added that this shows increasing awareness about the role the digital economy plays in moving the community forward and the opportunities it offers for local products to go further into global markets for business sustainability.

He noted that Centexs Commercial is committed to helping the community, especially local entrepreneurs, to generate income.

Commending Centexs Commercial for collaborating with social media influencers who are mostly young people, he said that it is a good move that will bring positive impact to businesses.

“I believe the promotional materials to be produced by CCM including videos will reach the intended groups and to push Sarawak’s heritage products to reach wider markets,” he added.

Awang Tengah also announced a grant of RM50,000 to facilitate CCM in the production of social media material to market and promote products by 50 Sarawakian entrepreneurs in the first phase of the collaboration.

“Everyone has their responsibility to ensure the success of this initiative. We believe Centexs Commercial will be able to help our entrepreneurs to generate income, promote their products widely to markets and in turn be the driver to improve the standard of living of the people,” he said.

Assistant Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Small and Medium Enterprises Datuk Mohd Naroden Majais, Deputy State Secretary (Performance and Service Delivery Transformation) Datu Dr Sabariah Putit as well as Centexs chairman Tan Sri Morshidi Abdul Ghani, its chief executive officer Syeed Mohd Hussein and general manager Mohammad Shahren Yusri were among those present. — DayakDaily
