Candidates encouraged to campaign through social media, TV, local papers


By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Dec 5: Candidates for the upcoming Sarawak polls are encouraged to campaign through social media, television and local papers.

This was advised by the Election Commission of Malaysia (EC) especially for candidates in constituencies that are disallowed from hosting any physical campaigning, talks (‘ceramah’) or public speeches.


“Candidates need to apply the use of technology during the campaign period in line with the new norms which should be practised during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said EC in a statement today.

Candidates are also reminded of the campaign period which runs from after the nomination process on Dec 6 until 11.59pm on Dec 17. Thus, they are subjected to the Election Offences Act 1954 and any form of campaigning activities are not allowed on polling day (Dec 18).

Meanwhile, candidates are allowed to campaign using vehicles fitted with sound magnifiers or multimedia devices at the time specified in permits, meaning police permits are required for any such events.

Campaign vehicles are not allowed to be parked along roads to deliver talks or speeches.

The distribution of pamphlets or campaign materials is permitted but in accordance with protocols such as distribution to be done only in the outdoors whereby candidates and working committee members are not allowed into any house or longhouse.

While only three individuals who have completed their Covid-19 vaccinations with the primary vaccine series may participate in the distribution, records of premises visited must be noted down for tracking purposes.

RTK Ag self-tests are also compulsory for those distributing campaign materials.

Other promotional methods such as the set up of banners and leaving pamphlets in mailboxes are allowed but with social distancing strictly observed. — Dayakdaily
