Build sea walls to prevent collapse of other coastal treasures in Sarawak, says DAP man

Michael Kong Feng Nian

KUCHING, Feb 14: Following the collapse of Bako National Park’s iconic Cobra Head Sea Stack of yesterday (Feb 13), a Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) man has proposed the construction of breakwaters as protective barriers against waves that could affect coastal treasures in the State.

Michael Kong Feng Nian, special assistant to Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen, said yesterday’s unfortunate event evokes memories of the collapse of Tusan Beach’s renowned ‘horse drinking water’ rock formation on Feb 22, 2020.

“These natural wonders were integral to our tourism landscape, and the governments ought to have taken decisive action to protect them.


“Drawing inspiration from others, such as the Australian and Victorian governments’ preservation efforts for the ’12 Apostles’ in Victoria, we must adopt proactive measures to ensure the sustained preservation and development of our natural assets.

“While weather conditions may have contributed to the demise of these rock formations, preventative measures could have mitigated the impact,” he said in a statement today.

Kong further said it is imperative for the State government to formally recognise the intrinsic value of Sarawak’s natural beauty within policymaking frameworks.

“As such, it is paramount that a dedicated decision-making framework focused on preservation, sustainable economic development, and enhancing visitor experiences be established.

“In addition to proactive preservation efforts, greater emphasis must be placed on environmental protection and addressing climate change implications.

“The federal government must develop comprehensive strategies to anticipate and manage the impacts of climate change on coastal public lands and assets,” he added. — DayakDaily
