Bubbly fountain follow-up: DBKU wants SMA to install high resolution CCTVs at city hotspots

Abdul Rahman (seated centre), Ahsmon (seated left) and Mohamed (seated right) addressing the press regarding vandalism in areas under DBKU's jurisdiction.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 20: The Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) will be discussing with Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) to install close-circuit television (CCTV) cameras with higher resolution at selected city hotspots.

Utilities and Telecommunication Deputy Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi said this is so that the police can identify perpetrators of vandalism or other crimes right away, whenever necessary.


He was commenting on the quality of surveillance footage that captured two men throwing detergent powder into the Hornbill Fountain at Kuching Waterfront on May 12.

“I saw the (CCTV) footage, and I find the resolution quite low. I think the police somehow have ways to improve the video quality, but I think it’s very blurry to a layman like me.

“So, I (would like to) suggest to SMA to help DBKU to equip CCTVs with better resolution, especially at city hotspots like this (Kuching Waterfront).

“So that when it is necessary, the police can identify the perpetrator right away with facial identification technology,” said Abdul Rahman during a press conference at the sideline of the Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting today.

He said there are already such CCTVs in parts of Kuching city which could recognise faces immediately and link them to their identification numbers.

Accompanying Abdul Rahman were Kuching District Police Chief ACP Ahsmon Bajah and DBKU director Mohamed Khaidir Abang.

The May 12 incident is the third time this year that the Hornbill Fountain had been vandalised and made bubbly with detergent powder. — DayakDaily
