Bomba special taskforce to ensure SOP compliance in premises

Khirudin (2nd left) presenting the Excellent Service Award 2019 to firefighter Sim Mui Chai from Serian fire station, witnessed by deputy director Zainal Madasin (left) and assistant director of Fire Operations and Rescue Tiong Ling Hii.

KUCHING, June 27: The Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) Sarawak has set up a special task force to ensure every premises in the state adheres to the Covid-19 Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) and standard operating procedure (SOP).

Speaking at the department’s Excellent Service Award (APC) 2019 yesterday, JBPM Sarawak director Khirudin Drahman said every premises would be checked to ensure its compliance before they reopen for business.

“Among the premises were supermarkets, factories, restaurants, government offices, banks, public transport terminals such as land, air and sea, construction sites, residential, houses of worship and open markets


“Apart from that, the department also conduct Humanitarian Assistance (HADC) such as sending food basket into the interiors, transporting person under investigation (PUI) for swap test, quarantine centre and airport,” Khirudin said.

He added that from March 18 until yesterday, the department had not turn downed down a single request to assist on the above, including public sanitation.

To date, the department has sanitised a total of 1,322 premises statewide.

Khirudin also thanked the Sarawak government and state disaster management committee for assisting them in conducting public sanitation during the trying time.

“They have helped us in many ways to ensure public sanitation operations were conducted smoothly. It is not an easy process as well. Alhamdulillah, with corporation from all sides, we can go all out to perform our duties for the community,” he added.—DayakDaily

Khirudin (front row, centre), deputy director Zainal Madasin (front row, right) and assistant director of Fire Operations and Rescue Tiong Ling Hii (front row, left) with recipients of the department’s Excellent Service Award 2019.