Blaze destroys 5 houses in Kg Pemukat in Lawas

Screenshot taken from a video showing the fire at Kampung Pemukat in Lawas.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 23: Five houses in Kampung Pemukat in Lawas were destroyed by fire today.

According to a report from Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) operations centre, they received a call regarding the incident at 5.47pm and deployed a team from Bomba Lawas assisted by Bomba Sipitang from Sabah.


Upon arrival, the operation commander reported that the fire had razed five houses.

A total of seven off-duty firefighters together with six volunteer firefighters (PBS) from Kampung Pemukat were also present at the location to assist in the operation.

At the time the report was made, firefighters and volunteers were still working to to extinguish the flames. — DayakDaily
