Bintulu MP: Acquiring Covid-19 vaccines not like buying vegetables, stop politicising it!

Dato Sri Tiong King Sing

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 7: Given the complexities of acquiring Covid-19 vaccines amid a global shortage, it is not at all a matter of buying vegetables in the market.

This is the view of Bintulu MP Dato Sri Tiong King Sing when he hit back at certain opposition parties that seem to be “over-simplifying” the process of obtaining more vaccines for Sarawak.


Due to the high demand for vaccines globally, he said the entire process would definitely take some time.

“On the matter of Sarawak acquiring vaccines, the State government led by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas is actively negotiating with various vaccine suppliers in order to complete the inoculation of the people of Sarawak as soon as possible.

“However due to the global high demand for vaccines, the process must take more time,” he said in his Facebook post yesterday (May 6).

Tiong, who is also the Special Envoy to the People’s Republic of China, said he has sought assistance from the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia to hasten the process of acquiring vaccines developed in China.

Thus, he urged for opposition parties not to “simply oppose for the sake of being the opposition” and be considerate towards the medical frontliners who have been toiling away for all Sarawakians.

“Propose more constructive solutions and let’s unite to fight the pandemic. Support the frontliners with some understanding and tolerance. If you cannot do that, just quietly support them and stop complaining on the Internet,” he added. — DayakDaily
