Be vigilant during festive celebrations to fend off second Covid-19 wave

Zharudin Narudin

KUCHING, May 14: People should not be too relax when celebrating Hari Raya and Gawai Dayak festivals as Sarawak still at risk of a second wave of Covid-19 outbreak.

Advising this, PAS Sarawak Information chief Zharudin Narudin emphasised that the standard operating procedures (SOP) implemented by the National Security Council (NSC), which prioritised on protecting human lives, was in line with the ‘Maqasyid Syariah’ demand.

“Even though it is a tradition to celebrate the festive season, but it should not become the reason for another spread of Covid-19,” he said in a statement today.


Zharudin pointed out that everyone, especially the frontliners, have fought the virus for the past 55 days, and as such, there should not be any space for the “enemy” to gain their hold back just because of the festive celebrations.

Thus, the question as to whether Hari Raya and Gawai festivals is celebrated or not, he observed that gatherings would take place but within the strict guidelines and SOP enforced by the state and federal governments.

“Although the celebrations will still go on, the guidelines and SOP must also be complied with. We believed that Malaysians are well aware and understood the dangers of coronavirus by now.

“After going through four phases of Movement Control Order (MCO), it is a must that we all educate ourselves in accordance with the ‘new norm’, including for the festive celebrations,” he added.— DayakDaily
