Be cautious when seeking jobs abroad, says Sarawak DAP chairman

Chong Chieng Jen

KUCHING, May 2: Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen advises those seeking work in foreign countries to be highly cautious of job scams.

According to Chong’s statement today, he recently assisted in securing the release of an individual known as Miss Lai from Thai authorities last week.

“She came to my office yesterday with her mother to express her gratitude for the help provided,” he said.


He stated that Miss Lai was promised a high-paying job in Bangkok, Thailand, sometime in January this year.

“She then travelled to Kuala Lumpur to meet with the agent, after which she was illegally transported to Bangkok via land through the Malaysia-Thailand border.

“Upon reaching Bangkok, she was driven to another rural town near the Cambodian border,” he explained.

He went on to say that it was at that point that she realised something was wrong, so she secretly escaped from the agent and returned to Bangkok.

However, Thai authorities arrested her and detained her on the charge of illegal entry into Thailand.

Chong added that Miss Lai was detained for more than a month.

He mentioned that Miss Lai’s mother was worried about her daughter’s safety, and she went around seeking help but to no avail.

“Finally, in late April, she approached me for help.

“I wrote and called up the Malaysia Consulate office at Songkhla, Thailand, and within a week, she was back in Kuching.

“Yesterday, Miss Lai and her mother dropped by my office to thank me,” he said.

Chong, who is also Padungan assemblyman, stated that Miss Lai would like to share her experience with the scam and her close shave.

“Had she not successfully escaped from the ‘agent’, she dreads to imagine what would become of her now.

“She hopes, by sharing her dreadful experience, she can warn many others not to fall into the scam of foreign high-paying jobs.

“As for now, she is glad that she is back with her family,” he said. — DayakDaily
