Aspirasi’s Repok candidate vows to fight for Sarawak independence referendum

Wong (centre) purchases a nomination form from an Elections Commission returning officer today (Nov 23, 2021).

KUCHING, Nov 23: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) Repok candidate Wong Ching King expresses great hope that the people of Sarawak will support the party in the upcoming Sarawak election.

He said the time has come for Sarawakians to assess the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government and to look for ways to better Sarawak’s future.

“The Sarawak Independence Referendum is of ultimate importance as it will allow Sarawakians to decide whether Sarawak should leave the Federation of Malaysia or continue to stay as part of it,” said Wong in a statement today.


Wong will be contesting as an Aspirasi candidate with the hope that he will be given a chance to voice out the demands of Sarawakians for an Independence Referendum in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly.

It is also his hope to serve the people in Repok more effectively and efficiently if he is elected.

“It is the Sarawakians’ power which could make a great change by toppling GPS and Malaya-based parties in the upcoming Sarawak Election,” said Wong.

Wong was a secondary school teacher before he decided to join politics full time in 2011. He joined Democratic Action Party (DAP) in the same year and quit the party five years later in 2016.

In 2016, he made his debut as an independent candidate in the 2016 Sarawak Election, garnering 381 votes against competition from Yong Siew Wei from DAP who managed to poll 6,503 and Repok incumbent Dato Sri Huang Tiong Sii who won the seat with 7,446 votes.

After the Sarawak Election, Wong joined Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) for four years but left the party at the end of 2020.

Mid-2021, Wong joined Aspirasi and was identified by the party as a potential candidate for Repok. — DayakDaily
