Aspirasi proposes Sarawak govt set up Homeland Security Department

Lina Soo (file photo)

KUCHING, Nov 20: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) has proposed to the Sarawak government to set up a state managed Homeland Security Department to protect and enhance Sarawak’s identity among its people.

Aspirasi president Lina Soo said the matter (to protect Sarawak’s identity) can be resolved with an identity document specifically only to Sarawakians.

“This identity card shall be an official identity document which is applicable for use for any administrative purposes within Sarawak.


“This will secure our Sarawak identity and safeguard against non-Sarawakians becoming Sarawakians,” she said at a media conference here today.

Soo believed the setting up of this proposed Homeland Security Department would not be in contradiction with the role played by the Home Ministry as it is to be only applicable for administrative purposes within Sarawak.

“I believe the proposed State Homeland Security Department will not contradict with current federal policies or any of Articles within the Federal Constitution as the purpose of this proposal by us is solely to determine that any persons who want to become  Sarawakians are truly Sarawakians and have Sarawak connection or ancestry,” she said.

Meanwhile, Soo said that Aspirasi wants the state government to guarantee that 18-year- old Sarawakians are able to cast their votes in the coming 12th State Election.

Hence she added that Aspirasi hopes that the State election will be held in first week of August next year to allow Sarawakians, aged 18 years to vote.

“Minister in Prime Minister Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan had recently announced a guarantee that 18-year-old voting age and automatic voter registration will fully be implemented by July 2021.

“For this reason we urge the Sarawak Government to guarantee the voting right of every Sarawakian who is over 18 years of age by holding the 12th State election in the first week of August,” she asserted.

She said it is estimated more than 200,000 Sarawakians studying and working within Malaysia and other countries have the right to vote for their future in the next state election.

“Leave no one behind! Don’t exclude young voters, rural voters and diasporic voters. The future belongs to the young,” she urged. — DayakDaily
