Aspirasi not likely to work with Parti Bangsa Malaysia

Soo (seated second right), Julius (seated centre), party members, and the six Aspirasi candidates.

SIBU, Nov 22: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) sees that there is little likelihood that it could work with new political party, Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM).

Speaking at a joint press conference with Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB), Aspirasi president Lina Soo said this was because both parties are fighting for different causes.

“We are championing for Sarawakians whereas PBM is a national party fighting for Malaysians,” she explained.


A supreme council member of PBM, Engga Unchat, yesterday said PBM was set up following a name change from Sarawak Workers’ Party (SWP). He also said that Julau MP, Larry Sng, is its deputy president.

Soo further said that Aspirasi and PBDSB could only work with non-Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) parties which has no connections with parties from West Malaysia.

“We are very open and we don’t rule out working with any non-GPS party. If PBK (Parti Bumi Kenyalang) is willing to work with us, we are always ready. The state election is very near but in politics, 24 hours is a long time and anything could happen. Also, there are no permanent enemies in politics but only self-interest,” she said.

For the 12th Sarawak Election, she said Aspirasi would be contesting in 20 seats which are urban and semi-urban seats while PBDSB, according to its secretary-general Julius Enchanoi, would go for 38 seats which are mainly Dayak seats.

“If any party can work with us, we can go for 82 seats. For us, whether or not we lose our deposit in the election, we will continue to champion for our cause,” she said.

Soo also hoped the public would support them by donating RM1.

“We hope the public will listen to our appeal as we are not supported by any companies. No amount is too big or small. We are seeking RM1 from every Sarawakian,” she added.

At the press conference, Soo also announced Aspirasi’s candidates for six seats in the central region.

They are Jess Lau (Bukit Assek), Josephine Lau (Dudong), Janet Loh (Pelawan), Wong Chin King (Repok), Ngelang Unau (Machan), and Simon Tiong (Nangka).

Meanwhile, Julius said they had identified another 19 potential candidates for the election.

“The number of our potential candidates will increase week by week but we will choose them carefully. We don’t want people who will not be with us after the election,” he said. — DayakDaily
