Aspirasi calls for Sarawakians to stay focused on better future for Sarawak

Lina Soo (file pic)

KUCHING, Feb 26: Parti Aspirasi Rakyat Sarawak (Aspirasi) holds that the political fiasco in Peninsular Malaysia only proves that its politics is not for Sarawakians who must stay away from such toxic influences.

“All these political shenanigans and chicanery only prove that Malaya politics is not for us, and we must be free from their toxic influences in order to save Sarawak,” said its president Lina Soo.

She opined that the federal government must be dissolved to seek a fresh mandate and legitimacy to rule the country or all sanctity in Parliamentary democracy will be lost.


“Aspirasi wants the parliament to be dissolved, (power to) go back to the people for mandate to rule,” she said in a statement today.

She said that as Pakatan Harapan government was not built on the right foundation, but on greed and power instead, it was short lived.

“You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. The fiasco prove political expediency cannot last, political marriages for the sake of power will not last.

“Only institutions with strong fundamentals with the people’s support can last.

“A government not built on strong fundamentals but only upon greed and last for power will not last. It will at best only be a five-minute wonder,” said Soo.

She said amid political chaos right now, Aspirasi chooses to stay above the fray, and keep its dignified silence.

“Aspirasi will focus on our party mission to fight for an independence referendum for Sarawak rather than politicking and opportunism.

“We are going to the grassroots to listen to the voices of the rakyat and we want to know their sentiments for a better future Sarawak,” said Soo.

On the recent political debacle, she said the whole episode has left the people reeling in shock at the betrayals, twists and turns that unfolded.

“We urge Sarawakians to remain calm and not be distracted but remain committed to our goal to seek self-determination for Sarawak,” said Soo. —DayakDaily
