Aspirasi aims to field at least 20 candidates in urban and semi-urban seats

Soo giving victory signs at Aspirasi's silver jubilee celebration.

KUCHING, Nov 28: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) aims to field at least 20 candidates in urban and semi-urban seats in the coming State Election.

Its president Lina Soo said Aspirasi is now working together with Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB).

ā€œFor Kuching, we are going for at least four seats, and then (sic) in Sibu, Miri and Bintulu. I will be standing in Padungan while our chairman Buln Ribos will be standing in Serembu,ā€ she said when met by reporters after officiating at the Aspirasi Silver Jubilee Celebration at a hotel here today.


Soo noted PBSDB will be contesting in Dayak seats in the central and upper regions of the State.

ā€œAspirasi will make the announcement on the list of party candidates tomorrow,ā€ she added. ā€” DayakDaily
