ART Rembus Depot construction in Kpg Rembus set to finish by Q4 2025

Lee (second right) and others during the ART Rembus Depot construction site visit in Kampung Rembus on Feb 6, 2024. Photo credit: TVS

KUCHING, Feb 6: The construction of the Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) Rembus Depot in Kampung Rembus is anticipated to be finished by the fourth quarter of 2025.

According to a TVS news report today, Transport Sarawak (MOTS) Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin said his ministry is now actively monitoring the progress of the project to ensure that the facility is completed according to the set schedule.

Lee stressed that if the depot is not completed on time, ART operations will be unable to proceed as planned.


“I want to emphasise to the contractor to work hard to complete this project according to the schedule.

“Our side (MOTS) does not want this to happen or any reason that could cause delays to this project,” he said when met after visiting the ART Rembus Depot construction site in Kampung Rembus here today.

The news outlet also reported that Lee stated that MOTS wants the project to be implemented in accordance with the terms of the signed contract to avoid future problems.

According to the minister, that matter is important to ensure the smooth running of every related project including the ART operation involved.

TVS also reported that the project, worth RM260 million, was awarded to the contractor on Dec 8, 2023, and included the construction of a mechanical workshop, a restructuring workshop, an operation control centre, a green building, and a station stabilisation area for filling hydrogen fuel. — DayakDaily
