Applications open for Social Impact Accelerator programme under Tegas

Craftsman and master sape player Mathew Ngau Jau paints traditional Kenyah motifs on canvas made of tree bark.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, July 3: Tegas welcomes early-stage social enterprises (SE) in Sarawak to apply for the six-month Social Impact Accelerator (SIA) programme to enjoy coaching and mentoring by seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts.

“SEs selected for SIA will also have access to grants and funding, to Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Kuching, Bintulu, Miri, Escape by Etiqa Innovation Hub in KL, and Sarawak Digital Ecosystem (SDE) network,” Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak (Tegas) chairman Datu Len Talif Salleh revealed in a statement yesterday.


He added that Tegas is also collaborating with Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) in operating DIHs to support and empower SEs in the state by providing affordable co-working spaces, entrepreneurship education and venture acceleration programmes.

“The Sarawak government through SMA-Tegas DIH is offering a free 3-month co-working pass in an effort to help Sarawakian startups and social enterprises affected by the current Covid-19 pandemic.

“We are also offering support for entrepreneurs on a regular basis via free webinars, online capacity building programmes, and digital accelerators,” Len Talif added.

Meanwhile, he also revealed that SMA will establish one innovation centre in each division to facilitate engagement with the private sector, universities and local communities under the Sarawak Digital Economy Strategy 2018 to 2025. — DayakDaily
