Alynsa Eryn, Darren Wong win top prizes in ‘Magnificent Sarawak: An Unforgettable Trip’ writing competition by DayakDaily

DayakDaily received 153 submissions, with 106 entries under the Adult Category and the remaining 47 under the Youth Category.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Oct 16: Alynsa Eryn Musa from Song and Darren Wong Qin Hon from Chung Hua Middle School No. 1 here have emerged the first place winners in DayakDaily’s “Magnificent Sarawak: An Unforgettable Trip” writing competition.

Triumphing over 106 entries in the Adult Category, Aylnsa impressed the judges with her bittersweet piece titled ‘The Momentous in the Mundane’, which explores the poignant journey of self-discovery during a visit to her longhouse, Lubuk Rirong.


Meanwhile, Wong’s winning article, which vividly recounts unforgettable experiences at the Fairy Cave, was judged the best among the 47 entries in the Youth Category (12 to 18-years-old).

The full winners’ list is as follows:

Adult Category (19-years-old and above)
Gold: Alynsa Eryn Musa
Silver: Nur Hidayah Muhammad Nur Arshad Chupuong Abdullah
Bronze: Azia Farzana Badduwie
Consolation: Roger Teo Buan Chuan
Consolation: Joan Dolly Chung Zie Wei

Youth Category (12 to 18-years-old)
Gold: Darren Wong Qin Hon
Silver: Alana Jane Wong
Bronze: Howard Tiong
Consolation: Nicole Toh
Consolation: Tia Leonorra Puyang Romi Chai

The prizes for each category are listed as follows:

Adult Category (19-years-old and above)

Ranking Cash Prizes Add-Ons
Gold RM 3,000 3D2N voucher at Imperial Hotel, Kuching Trophy and Certificate
Silver RM 2,000 Trophy and Certificate
Bronze RM 1,000 Trophy and Certificate
Consolation x 2 RM 300 x 2 Trophy and Certificate x 2


Youth Category (12 to 18-years-old)

Ranking Cash Prizes Add-Ons
Gold RM 2,000 3D2N voucher at Imperial Hotel, Kuching Trophy and Certificate
Silver RM 1,000 Trophy and Certificate
Bronze RM 500 Trophy and Certificate
Consolation x 2 RM 200 x 2 Trophy and Certificate x 2


The writing competition was open only for Sarawakians aged 12 and above.

Participants were required to write a short essay with a maximum of 500 words and at least one original photo about one tourist destination or one particular trip they experienced in Sarawak.

All winning articles will also be published on and DayakDaily’s other social media platforms.

The writing contest is organised by DayakDaily with the support of the Sarawak Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts. — DayakDaily
