All non-Muslims places of worship need to notify Unifor before reopening from June 20

Cathedral - file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

KUCHING, June 16: All non-Muslim places of worship in Sarawak are required to notify the Unit For Other Religions (Unifor) ahead of their reopening from June 20, either through its institution headquarters or by submitting forms directly.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is also the Minister-in-charge of Unifor, said that reopening notification is subject to places of worship under the Missionary Societies Ordinance 1967 (Sarawak Cap.106) or under Charitable Trust Ordinance 1994 and registered with the Department of Registration of Malaysia (ROS) under the Societies Act 1966 (Act 355).

“The reopening notification to be submitted to Unifor can be done through institution headquarters of respective places of worship using Borang PP.01/2020 while those not under a body can submit the forms directly,” he explained in a statement today.


The forms can be downloaded through Unifor’s website at and obtainable from respective institution headquarters as well as Resident and District Offices.

“This requirement will be in effect from June 20 until further notice,” he added.

Uggah, who is also State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman, announced that Unifor has issued the general guidelines and standard operating procedure (SOP) for the reopening of non-Muslim places of worship effective June 20.

Among the requirements in the guidelines include compliance to the SOP and strict control of the number of worshippers allowed during a religious activity according to the size of the respective premises of the houses of worship.

“The number of attendees cannot be more than 100 persons after taking into account social distancing of one meter.

“Worshippers with symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath as well as children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend worship services and activities. Those with chronic illnesses (especially senior citizens) are advisable to take precautionary measures if attending any activities,” he emphasised.

In addition, the guidelines also specified on sanitising cleaning procedures before and after a religious ceremony or activity, taking of body temperature, use of face mask, social distancing, washing hands or use hand sanitiser, scanning QR code using MySejahtera or CovidTrace apps or taking down attendance manually.

Uggah also advised management of houses of worship to adopt the guidelines to suit their respective circumstances and requirements as well as issue their own guidelines.—DayakDaily
