Ali Biju advised to be civil, don’t fix something that ain’t broke

Dennis Ngau tells Kayan youth to be committed and dilgent in studies.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, May 7: Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau has described as “threatening” the remark by Krian assemblyman Ali Biju concerning the Village Community Management Council (MPKK) initiative.

When debating the Yang di-Pertua Negeri’s address yesterday, Ali urged the Sarawak government to recognise the MPKK or the federal grant for its establishment would be withdrawn. He pointed out that the MPKK was a Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s initiative to replace the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) throughout the country but Sarawak was still clinging onto the JKKK.


Dennis said prior to the 14th general election last year, PH had trumpeted about bringing in the ‘New Malaysia’, but things had turned out differently, so far.

“Since taking over the federal government, what really happened is the opposite, including this threatening remark with regards to government funding for JKKKs.

“PH needs to be reminded that it is the responsibility of the federal government to provide funding to all states, regardless of who rules Putrajaya. Just like what happened during BN’s rule,” he said in a statement today.

Dennis opined that it was wrong to threaten the state government over such a matter, especially when Sarawak had been contributing significantly to the national coffer since 1963.

“Secondly, JKKK has been in practice by kampungs and longhouses to manage their affairs in Sarawak since we formed Malaysia, and they have proven to be successful. Therefore, for something that is good and effective all along, why the need to change it just because you are the new government?

“My advice to PH is if they are really sincere, just disburse the so-called village/kampung management fund and leave it to the Sarawak government to handle it. We know what we are doing,” assured Dennis.

Dennis said from feedback gathered from his constituency, the longhouse folks wanted the JKKK model to remain as they were comfortable with its set-up.

On Ali’s statement that the federal government had allocated RM100 million for MPKK, Dennis wondered if that amount was all for Sarawak.

He said there was more than 5,000 registered kampungs and longhouses in Sarawak, which means if each and every JKKK or MPKK were to be given RM10,000, Sarawak alone would need RM50 million annually.

“What happens to the MPKKs in the other 12 states? Has PH really understood Sarawak before making another promise or that has become their culture, promise first, trap the rakyat and if unable to deliver, make U-turns and then conveniently accuse former PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the former BN government to cover their weaknesses?” he asked. — DayakDaily
