Aid arrives in Selangau as floodwaters retreat

Food assistance and other necessities have arrived in affected longhouses in Selangau.

KUCHING, Feb 11: Floodwaters have receded in flood-stricken areas in Selangau while much-needed aid has also arrived.

Tamin assemblyman Christopher Gira in a WhatsApp message told DayakDaily yesterday that water levels in flood-affected areas were now back to normal.

“Almost all floodwaters in Batang Oya, Batang Mukah, Batang Balingian and Sungai Arip have receded and (levels) back to normal.


“All evacuation centres are also closed except for SK Tong Ah where there are still 26 evacuees.”

“These people chose to stay at the evacuation centre while waiting to clean their houses,” said Gira.

Floodwaters in most affected areas in Selangau have receded.
Assistance mainly in the form of food and drinks are ready to be despatched to various longhouses affected by the worst floods in Selangau in the last 15 years.

He stressed that while the flood victims were at the evacuation centres, they received enough food and other necessities to get through the difficult time.

“I was informed during flood victims’ stay at evacuation centres, they were given sufficient food and the necessary assistance.

“Three meals comprising breakfast, lunch and dinner were provided,” said Gira.

The receding floodwaters have left behind debris which villagers will need to clean up.

Meanwhile, personnel from the Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) and the Civil Defence Department have started distributing aid to longhouses which were cut off or stranded during the flood.

“The rations are provided through the state welfare bodies. The government will continue to supply the rations to all affected longhouses until physical connectivity to their longhouses have resumed.

“A few roads in the area of Sapudun, Nanga Taroh and Arip have been damaged by the flood and will need repair,” said Gira. — DayakDaily
