Activist: Masing set standard for Sarawakians especially Iban community

Peter John Jaban (file photo)

KUCHING, Oct 31: Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing who passed away this morning had set a standard for the Dayak Iban community, says Sarawakian social activist Peter John Jaban.

He noted it is always sad when Sarawak loses one of its sons.

“James Masing set a standard for Sarawakians and for the Dayak Iban community in particular.


“Highly educated, he rose to be an important leader in our community,” said Peter John in a statement.

The activist hoped Masing who was Infrastructure and Port Development Minister will be an inspiration to many young Dayaks.

“I hope that his example will inspire more young people to pursue their studies and to enter into politics to represent their communities.”

“My thoughts go out to his family members at this time, especially so soon after the loss of his brother,” said Peter John.

Masing passed away at 7.05am this morning at Normah Sarawak Medical Centre due to complications of Covid-19.

He tested positive for Covid-19 on Sept 28. — DayakDaily
