Abdullah Saidol’s wishes for 2019

Abdullah Saidol

KUCHING, Dec 30: Less political nonsense and clumsiness from all politicians or leaders from both side.

That is what Assistant Minister for Corporate Affairs Abdullah Saidol would like to see in the New Year.

He opined that people’s expectations were actually reasonable. They just want to be assured that the future of their beloved nation are led and managed by leaders who should know what they are doing or talking and can manage the country brilliantly.


“Less politicking and more delivering,” he said when asked about his New Year wishes.

In addition, there are six things the Semop assemblyman believed should be given extra attention in 2019.

Firstly, he suggested that the government manage the country’s economy prudently and judiciously so as not to burden the people social-economically and creating encouraging vibrancy within the business environment. This will attract foreign investment.

“At the same time, be creative and innovative in finding ways to improve the national revenue.”

Secondly, Malaysians must always do or say things that will unite the people of this multiracial & multireligious nation. There is a need for societal unity to secure peace and harmony.

“Those unscrupulous people that frequently promote bigotry, hatred and prejudices must be despised.”

Thirdly, Abdullah said the sense of security and justice among the people must be enhanced.

“The rule of law must not be perceived as merely a slogan but must be executed impartially.

Chaos and public disorder do not benefit anybody. National security should prevail.

“Fourthly, there must be a stern commitment towards strengthening the quality of our national education system. The development of our school infrastructure nationwide must be expeditiously implemented. This is to ensure our future generations are well educated, with high moral values and civic conscience.”

Fifthly, is the most talked about concern among the masses — strengthening integrity and instil unyielding discipline by all those who hold power, authority and fiduciary obligations.

Abdullah said the public yearned to see efficient administration, effective deliveries and monitoring by government machinery.

Last but not least, Abdullah wanted to see the government equally dispatch the necessary developments towards the rural areas so as to narrow the rural-urban disparities.

“Perhaps people might call me naive, but I partially share John Lennon’s feeling in his song ‘Imagine’, which says, `You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

“Nobody is perfect, but eventually patriotic and conscious-minded people will recognise who has that genuine enthusiasm and proven ability to deliver good things for the people. And at the same time, people will soon become more aware of those wicked leaders who manipulate and deceive their way up.”

Abdullah said that Sarawakians must be united more than before as Sarawak’s rights and interests must be protected, secured and in place.— DayakDaily
