Abdul Karim urges Kg Serpan Laut folk to obey SOPs following lifting of EMCO

Abdul Karim (third left) presenting aid to a resident of Kampung Serpan Laut in Asajaya.

KUCHING, April 13: Villagers in Kampung Serpan Laut, Asajaya have been urged to continue to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) set by the SDMC and the Ministry of Health.

In making the call, Asajaya assemblyman Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said this is important especially when the villagers are now celebrating the month of Ramadan where they will be undertaking religious activities such as performing terawih prayers.

“I am very grateful because the SDMC (Sarawak Disaster Management Committee) has decided to end the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) in Kampung Serpan Laut on April 12 following the results of the second screening exercise which did not reveal any new positive cases among the local folks.


“In addition to that, the committee is also satisfied with the level of cooperation given by the villagers because there is no evidence to show that the infection is still contagious (sic) in their area,” he said, according to a press statement.

Abdul Karim, who also the Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister expressed his appreciation to various government agencies including the Ministry of Health, Royal Malaysia Police, People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela), Fire and Rescue Department, Social Welfare Department and Asajaya district office who were involved in the recent EMCO and the villagers for their cooperation in facilitating the mass screening exercise.

He said this at the Kampung Serpan Laut surau today during the handing over ceremony of aids to 308 households.

Among those present were Kota Samarahan MP Rubiah Wang and Asajaya district officer Rais Ahmat.

Abdul Karim added that the contribution of basic necessities to the villagers was aimed at easing their burden especially in celebrating the holy month of Ramadan. — DayakDaily
