Abdul Karim urges athletes to be careful after State Sukma medal prospect suffers training injury

Abdul Karim (second right) and others posing for a photo at the Sarawak Premier's Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house at BCCK on April 10, 2024.

By Marlynda Meraw

KUCHING, April 10: Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah is urging state athletes to exercise caution after a Sarawakian female track athlete was injured during training.

He advised athletes, especially to those who are representing Sarawak at the upcoming Malaysia Games (Sukma), to train with caution in order to prevent any unwanted accidents and injuries.


“She (Sarawakian female track athlete) fell and had a broken collarbone and a scratched cheek. The athlete is one of our hopes for Sukma,” said Abdul Karim when met by reporters at the Sarawak Premier’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) today.

Meanwhile, he also said that there will be a presentation for the games as well as the finalisation of the entire setup during a Sukma centre meeting that will take place around April 30.

“We (ministry) will be presenting issues during this meeting, but so far, everything is proceeding smoothly,” he said.

Abdul Karim declined to comment on the allocation and budget when asked, and said that Sukma will proceed regardless, while expressing hope that the federal ministry will provide funds to support the games. — DayakDaily
