Abdul Karim thankful ministry chosen for Anti-Bribery Management System certification project

Abdul Karim (third right) and others reciting a pledge to uphold corruption-free values during the Integrity Day event at BCCK today (Aug 16, 2022).

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Aug 16: Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah is grateful that his ministry has been selected as one of six pioneer agencies in the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) certification project, which is set to launch in October.

“I was informed that the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts (MTCP), in collaboration with the ministry’s task force, is working hard to ensure that all existing procedures are streamlined, while also ensuring that documentation is neat, detailed, and on time,” Abdul Karim said while speaking at the ‘Sarawak Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Integrity Day 2022’ programme at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here today.


He added that the programme coincided with efforts to streamline and strengthen the ministry’s governance and integrity in honour of the civil service’s slogan “An Honour To Serve”.

“Civil servants are a reflection of any government administration because they are the backbone of the current government.

“For this reason, the term “government servant” must be clean and free of any connotation that might tarnish the government’s reputation,” he pointed out.

Abdul Karim also said that integrity must be instilled in civil servants in order for them to develop the attributes of accountability and responsibility while performing duties.

“By implementing these values, public service operations will be smoother and results will be more robust, resulting in a positive perception of public sector administration,” he added.

Among those present at the event were Deputy Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts (Creative Industry and Performing Arts) Datuk Snowdan Lawan and MTCP permanent secretary Hii Chang Kee. — DayakDaily
