8pm-5am curfew for Bintulu, Tatau, Sebauh while the rest of Sarawak must stay indoors 12 midnight to 5am

Police manning a roadblock to restrict the movement of vehicles in this file photo.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, June 29: A night curfew from 8pm until 5am will continue to be imposed in Bintulu, Tatau and Sebauh districts, while the rest of the State will be under a curfew from 12 midnight until 5am under Phase 1 of Movement Control of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) for Sarawak.

As per the latest standard operating procedures (SOP) issued by the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), individuals or people in groups are not allowed to be in public places during those hours without valid reasons.


At other times, people are still not allowed to gather in public places in groups of more than two persons without a reasonable excuse.

In addition, only two persons per household are allowed to go out to buy food, daily necessities, medications and diet supplements within a 10km radius of their homes.

This restriction also applied to those going out for the purpose of carrying out official business, essential tasks and any activities related to essential services.

However, up to three people are allowed to travel in a vehicle for the purpose of seeking medical care, getting medication and attending vaccination appointments.

Children under the age of 12 are still not allowed to be in public, open and crowded places without reasonable excuse, while high-risk individuals are discouraged from going out from their homes.

Inter-state movement or travel is still not permitted except with police permits and subjected to approval from SDMC through the EnterSarawak system including declaration of health.

Inter-district travel is also not allowed except for essential services with police permits or employer’s letter, while for Bintulu Division, individuals are required to produce a negative rT-PCR swab test report valid for three days prior to entering the division. — DayakDaily
