780 more Covid-19 Delta cases detected including AY.23 subvariant in Sarawak

Image for illustration purposes.

KUCHING, Oct 30: A total of 780 more Covid-19 Delta variant cases have been detected in Sarawak including the AY.23 Delta sublineage, responsible for the unusual surge in infections in Singapore, and is currently the dominant variant circulating in the State.

The Delta cases were detected from 782 Covid-19 positive cases sequenced as of Oct 8 in Sarawak.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas)’ Institute of Health and Community Medicine (IHCM) director Professor Dr David Perera disclosed that further analysis of the Delta variant indicates that the dominant circulating Delta lineage in Sarawak is the AY.23 sublineage.


“Other Delta sublineages sporadically detected include the AY.24 (one case each in Kuching, Miri and Sibu), AY.33 (one case in Bintulu), AY.34 (one case in Samarahan and two cases in Bintulu) and the AY.37 (two cases in Kuching).

“The AY.23 sublineage is also the current dominant circulating Delta lineage driving the current outbreak in Singapore,” he said in his latest report to State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas today.

The ICHM has been helping the Committee in tracking the SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in the State.

According to Dr Perera, the World Health Organisation (WHO) had recently revised the SARS-CoV-2 variant classification list to reflect the current risk profile of these variants.

“All previously listed Variant of Interest (VOI) and some Variant of Concern (VOC) have now been re-classified as ‘Variants Being Monitored’ (VBM).

“Currently, the Delta variant is the only member in the VOC list,” he pointed out.

To-date, Dr Perera said a cumulative total of 1,782 Delta variant cases had been detected in Sarawak from over 3,000 positive Covid-19 cases sequenced.

The Kuching Division had the most at 712 cases, followed by Bintulu with 373 cases, Samarahan Division 182 cases, Sibu 167 cases, Serian 127 cases and Miri 88 cases.

The Kapit Division had 37 cases, Mukah 22 cases while Sarikei and Sri Aman Divisions 20 cases each and Betong 19 cases. Limbang Division was fortunate to register only a single case.

There were five cases under Import A category and nine under Category B. — DayakDaily
