69 new URVs to boost police efforts during GE14

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Amer Awal (right) and Head of Crime Prevention and Community Security SAC Shafie Ismail with the new police motorcycle units (URVs).

KUCHING, Feb 23: The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) will deploy 69 new police motorcycle units (URVs) to ensure smooth running of the 14th General Election (GE14) in Sarawak.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Seri Amer Awal said the apart from existing equipment and logistics, the state police force will also use the URVs, which will be deployed in mostly rural constituencies.

“The URV will be distributed mostly to rural areas including our MPVs to assist our personnel with their duties.


“Although the situation in the state is expected to be as calm as it used to be (in earlier elections), the police are prepared for any eventualities. We will assign 7,000 officers and men statewide,” Amer said at the police monthly assembly today.

Meanwhile, police are still cracking down on business premises offering reload services to online gamblers.

“Efforts to eradicate online gambling continues, with raids conducted at 24-hour convenience stores and coffee shops offering reload services to online gamblers. Despite the closure of cyber gambling outlets in the state, operators continue to feed the gambling addiction by providing reload services and online transactions to gamblers, using mobile phones,” he said.

After reloading, these gamblers can link to online gambling sites from anywhere such as coffee shops or their homes. — DayakDaily
