AsiaFlux 2020 Conference sign of state govt’s commitment to science-backed land use policy, says Tropi director

Dr Lulie Meling

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Feb 10: Hosting the AsiaFlux 2020 Conference shows the Sarawak government’s commitment to using scientific and empirical data to support its state land use policy.

Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (Tropi) director Dr Lulie Melling said for Tropi to organise the AsiaFlux 2020 Conference in Kuching is also global recognition for Sarawak’s commitment to climate change and getting world accreditation for the Sarawak Flux Tower Study.


She pointed out that via the Sarawak Flux Tower study, Sarawak has become part of a global network to generate scientific empirical data to understand the impact of oil palm development on tropical peatland.

“AsiaFlux is a regional research network (affiliated to the global FLUXNET, which is a global network of micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere) of long-term study of climate change in relation to carbon, water and energy fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere in Asia.

“It is important to generate scientific empirical data and analysing all this comprehensive data that can be used to develop a science-based land use policy to support land-use management and biomass production in mitigating climate change, human life and sustainable development in Asia,” Dr Lulie told DayakDaily.

She stressed that Sarawak is the only state in Malaysia that has three flux towers that are managed by the department itself.

The three flux towers in Sarawak are located in Taman Oil Palm Plantation, Sibu; Cermat Ceria Plantation and Maludam National Park in Betong.

“AsiaFlux just celebrated its 20th anniversary in Takayama, Japan last year. We are very honoured and excited to host AsiaFlux 2020 from Sept 22 to 24, 2020 in Kuching, Sarawak.”

The conference is jointly organised by the Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) and AsiaFlux Science Steering Committee (ASSC), in collaboration with Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies; Hokkaido University, Japan; Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB); Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). It is also supported by the Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB).

“Please come and join to make a difference in AsiaFlux 2020 which aims to provide opportunities for delegates to present their most recent research activities, exchange new ideas and experiences, establish research relations and explore possibilities of collaborative research.

“There is No Planet B. thus, the conference is themed ‘The Nexus of Land Use Change, Ecosystems and Climate: A Path towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’. This conference will be a platform to raise awareness among governments, industries and the people especially on the importance of GHG (green house gas) cycling in guiding sustainable land use policies in the region and its global impact.

“It’s also a great opportunity for upcoming young scientists from Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to have global interactions and updates.

“In 2020, Tropi will also be celebrating our 10th anniversary of flux tower measurements. Thus, we are very excited and looking forward to welcoming delegates to the shores of Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo next September,” said Lulie.

For any queries, contact Tropi at or visit — DayakDaily
