5,000 members expected to attend PBB convention


KUCHING. Feb 8: Out of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu’s (PBB) 325,000 registered members, only 5,000 will be privileged to attend the first party convention under its new president Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Party secretary-general Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi explained that these 5,000 attending are branch delegates and observers.

He said there are 82 PBB branches through Sarawak. For branches where there is a PBB state assemblyman, the branch is entitled to 15 delegates with voting rights and 10 observers, who have none.


For non-PBB assemblyman areas, the branch may only send 10 delegates with voting rights.

Dr Rundi who is also Minister of Utilities, said there will be 2,651 official delegates and observers attending this triennial delegates’ conference which will be held from today until Feb 12. However, he is expecting 5,000 to turn up and fill up the main hall of the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK).

As this convention is Abang Johari’s first convention as chief minister, Rundi hoped “the convention will be a morale booster for him to proceed with his (Abang Johari’s) agenda”.

Disclosing that the theme of the convention is “Transforming Sarawak through Digital Economy”, Rundi said this showed the party’s commitment to bring Sarawak to a higher level.

On party post contention, Rundi who will step up to vice-president after the convention, said contention was minimal because the members wanted it that way.

“Nominations are closed. All posts are not contested. It has nothing to do with arrangement but people just want it to be that way, except for vice-president (posts) for the Bumiputera wing.

“There are four slots but seven contestants.

“It is a friendly contest and I believe the delegates more or less, are in the know of the basis of voting,” he said.

Rundi said, although there was minimal contention in the party election, one could still witness PBB’s leader grooming process.

“Currently, it is the second echelon (taking over) and you can see the third echelon coming in. So our future is quite orderly in terms of leadership,” Dr Rundi told reporters after atttending the Convention Committee Meeting held at BCCK today.

He said the team spirit of PBB will remain the same.

“We are holding a record now. It is all about leadership and also the spirit of give and take and compromising and also respect,” said Dr Rundi. — DayakDaily
