50 families in Kg Chawan Pendam receive free health screening

Kg Chawan Pendam residents undergoing health screenings by medical personnel.

KUCHING, Oct 19: More than 50 families in Kg Chawan Pendam, a squatter village in Kuching received free basic medical screening including for blood pressure and blood sugar levels recently.

Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii Dr Yii in a statement revealed the initiative was organised by his service centre in collaboration with All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia (APPGM), Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (Sadia) and National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN).

He added a medical team also provided free mammograms and pap smears for the women in the village in conjunction with World Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.


“Most of the residents are daily-paid workers and labourers and (they) are struggling through this tough economic time.

“Some have lost (their) jobs due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) so they couldn’t afford any medical check-up on their own or even have time to go for one in the government hospitals.

“That is why they were very appreciative when we brought the mobile team directly to them and to their kampung so they are not left out and at least get some basic medical check-up,” he disclosed.

Dr Yii, who is a member of Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) added that one of the things that the party intended to do was to address urban poverty especially among squatters in Kuching and to raise greater awareness on health and hygiene in the environment especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic season.

Dr Yii added that Sarawak DAP had also distributed more than 2,000 adult’s face masks and 1,000 children’s face masks to the residents there.

Two medical personnel conduct a health check-up on a villager while former Stampin MP Julian Tan (standing right) looks on.

Apart from that, his service centre had also helped to educate villagers on the proper usage and disposal of face masks.

“We also educated them on (the) importance of maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness around their house to avoid any other infectious disease including dengue.

“The residents there are poor and many struggle to buy face masks not just for those that need to go work every day, but also their children who need to go to school.

“Many times, even during the pandemic, the poor and the marginalised communities, even in the city are left behind in terms of aid and help even though they need it the most,” he added.

Dr Yii also disclosed that during the Movement Control Order (MCO) his office worked hard to supply food products and food rations to the marginalised communities.

He added his party also worked on providing free tuition for both primary and secondary school children to help them catch up on their classes especially the lessons they missed when schools were closed during the MCO. — DayakDaily
