4D shops, cybercafes, prawn fishing, snooker centres, toy stores back to business at half customer capacity

File photo for illustration only.

KUCHING, Oct 1: Number forecast outlets, cybercafes, toy stores, prawn fishing shops, snooker and billiard centres can get back to business with 80 per cent workforce capacity and customer capacity limited to 50 per cent starting today.

As per latest standard operating procedures (SOP) under Phase 3 of National Recovery Plan (NRP), operators must cap the number of customers allowed into premises at one person per four square metres.

For cybercafes, the time allowed for customers to use the service is limited to a maximum of two hours only.


Operators must also assign a worker to enforce crowd control measures by ensuring that only fully vaccinated individuals including those with ‘Low Risk’ and ‘Casual Contact Low Risk’ statuses are allowed to enter any premises.

Children below the age of 12 are not allowed to enter.

Once a business outlet is exposed to a Covid-19 case and if the operator or worker tested positive, it must be closed for cleaning and disinfection before reopening to customers.

On the operation side, only fully vaccinated workers are allowed to return to work and it is mandatory to use a face shield on top of a face mask for extra protection from Covid-19.

Premises owners, operators and workers are required to undergo self-testing for Covid-19 with rapid antigen test-kits once every two weeks.

Premises must be thoroughly sanitised at least twice a day using cleaning solutions with sodium hypochlorite according to the guideline provided by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

During operation, the common area must be cleaned and disinfected at least three times a day, while frequently touched surfaces such as doors, chairs, hand rails, lifts, restrooms, counters, pens or writing stationery and any instruments must be sanitised either after every use or session or on an hourly basis.

It is mandatory for operators to ensure good ventilation and airing within premises according to the guideline for Ventilation Improvement at Non-Residential Building or Space issued by the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).

Workers are also not allowed to eat in groups without physical distancing during recess time.

Other basic SOP that must be in place for safe reopening including MySejahtera check-in or manual logs, hand sanitisers, body temperature scanners, physical distancing measure of at least one metre, indicators to guide the movement of people in and out of premises, display of Covid-19 safety and prevention guidelines and wearing face masks at all times.

Enforcement officers will carry out surprise checks on SOP compliance at any premises and they are allowed to access and obtain any footage from closed-circuit television (CCTV) at any time.

Businesses are being warned that they will be ordered to close down for up to 14 days for flouting the SOP. — DayakDaily
