48 Covid-19 cases in Immigration Detention Depot trigger new cluster in Subis

Covid-19 (file photo).

KUCHING, Oct 13: Three new Covid-19 clusters in Subis and Limbang were announced today, accounting for 85 infections in total.

The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) in a statement today, said there was a new detention depot cluster dubbed the DTI Bekenu Cluster involved detainees at thr Immigration Department Detention Depot located along the Bintulu-Miri Coastal road in Subis, which is under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

All 48 individuals screened in relation to the cluster were found positive, including the index case, with 44 new cases reported from the cluster today.


According to the committee, all of the positive cases were brought to Miri Hospital and PKRC in the district for further treatment and isolation.

Meanwhile, the first of two new clusters in Limbang, dubbed the Menaung Cluster, is a community cluster involving the residents and guests of a longhouse which is located in Menuang.

From a total of 83 individuals screened in relation to the cluster, 18 of them, including the index case were found positive, while 65 other individuals tested negative. One new case was reported from the cluster today.

The second cluster in Limbang, dubbed the Ensurai Cluster, is also a community cluster involved the residents and guests of a longhouse located in Ensurai, Medamit.

Out of 220 individuals screened, 19 of them including the index case were found positive for Covid-19. Laboratory test results for 201 others return negative, with two new cases reported from the cluster today.

The committee added all positive cases from both Menaung and Ensurai Clusters were referred to Limbang Hospital and the Quarantine and Low-Risk Treatment Centres (PKRC) in the district.

With this, SDMC said a total of 66 clusters remained active in the state, with six clusters contributed 55 new cases today.

The clusters that reported new cases are the DTI Bekenu Cluster (44), Opar Cluster (4), Sibuluh-Nowang Cluster (3), Ensurai Cluster (2), Menuang Cluster (1), and Pinang Jawa Cluster (1).

SDMC also announced the end of two clusters, namely the Sebayang-Stalun Cluster in Limbang and Pasar Matu Cluster in Matu, after no new cases were reported from both clusters in the past 28 days. — DayakDaily.
