47 telecommunication towers to be implemented in stages in Limbang

Hasbi during the Ngiling Bidai ceremony at SK Menuang, Limbang on Saturday (July 2, 2022). Photo credit: Ukas

LIMBANG, July 5: Forty-seven telecommunication towers have been approved to be built in Limbang district and will be implemented in stages.

According to a news report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, Deputy Minister of Rural Development Datuk Hasbi Habibollah is confident that the additional towers would improve online learning for students in the area.

The Limbang MP said that although the country is moving towards the endemic phase, online learning is still carried out along with attending classes physically.


However, for rural areas, internet coverage is a constraint in online learning.

“I, along with elected representatives here, have voiced this problem to the Federal and State governments. Thankfully, the 47 towers were approved,” he said.

He said this during a Ngiling Bidai ceremony at SK Menuang on Saturday (July 2), where he officiated at the opening of the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PIBG) hall.

Commenting further, Hasbi said he wanted parents to prepare themselves with the knowledge to help guide their children to face digital challenges.

“Our young children are the future generation that will face challenges and social symptoms that are different from what we have today.

“We as parents must prepare ourselves with the necessary knowledge to guide our children,” he added. — DayakDaily
