34yo man fined RM4,000 for having pornographic material on phone, spreading material of ex online

Court - DayakDaily.com file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Nov 10: The Magistrate’s Court here fined a self-employed man a sum of RM4,000 or in default four-months in jail for storing pornographic photos and videos in his handphone.

Dudi Martone, 34, pleaded guilty to the charge that was read out to him before Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi.


Dudi was found guilty of storing 135 pornographic videos and photos in his phone at Kuching district police headquarter Criminal Investigation Department (CID), at about 2.45pm on Dec 21, 2019.

He was charged under Section 292(a) of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum imprisonment of three years or with a fine or with both, upon conviction.

According to the brief facts of the case, it was the accused’s ex-girlfriend who lodged a police report when she found out that the accused had uploaded a compromising video of them on social media.

Upon investigation by the police, it was found that the accused had stored other pornographic videos and photos in his phone.

Prosecuting Officer Insp Nur Syafiqa Nyaie Ilin prosecuted while the accused was unrepresented by counsel. — DayakDaily
