33yo man arrested for suspected rape of teen girlfriend, now 20-weeks pregnant

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JULAU, Oct 29: A 33-year-old man has been arrested yesterday afternoon for allegedly raping a teenager after it was discovered that she was now 20-weeks pregnant.

Julau District Police Chief, DSP Andam Sulin said the suspect was detained to assist investigations related to the pregnancy of the 15-year-old girl.

“On Oct 26, the Kanowit Health Clinic lodged a police report that a teenage girl was found to be 20-weeks pregnant.


“The girl had admitted that the suspect had sex with her several times since February this year in the living room and bedroom of her family’s longhouse in Pakan,”he said.

The girl’s mother first came to know that her daughter was pregnant after being told by a doctor from a private clinic in Sibu on Oct 7.

“On Oct 26, the mother accompanied her again for an examination at the Kanowit Clinic. The results of the examination confirmed that the victim was 20-weeks pregnant,” he added.

The case is being investigated under Section 376 of the Penal Code for statutory rape. — DayakDaily
