31 out of 46 high-impact water supply projects in Bintulu completed

Utility and Telecommunications Minister Datuk Julaihi Narawi (centre) being briefed by JBALB Northern Region manager Tie Tung Ing. Photo credit: JBALB

KUCHING, Oct 24: Out of the 46 high-impact water supply projects worth RM768 million implemented in the Bintulu Division, 31 such projects worth RM234 million have been completed.

According to a press release from the Sarawak Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB), eight projects worth RM118 million are still in the construction phase, showing positive development despite setbacks faced due to Covid-19, and seven projects worth RM416 million are still in the planning phase.

However, JBALB and the contractors involved have taken the necessary steps to ensure the projects are implemented smoothly following the schedule.


“For the MSCL 600mm Water Pipe Construction Project across Kemena Bridge to Simpang IKM worth approximately RM7.3 million, it was completed in August 2021 and handed over to LAKU Management Sdn Bhd.

“The Samarakan High-Level Tank Construction project, worth approximately RM15.7 million, is 98.31 per cent completed and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

“It also includes the installation of new pipelines and improvements to existing booster pump stations. When this project is completed, it will benefit the residents of the Jepak constituency, especially the area along the Bintulu-Tatau Road,” said the department.

The projects are planned by the Sarawak government through the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication, with the department as the implementing agency and the Federal government through the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, to accommodate the growing demand for water supply in Bintulu. — DayakDaily
