3 men arrested for meth possession in Serian

The transparent plastic packets found with the suspects.

SERIAN, Jan 25: Police have arrested three local men after 15.24 gramme of Methamphetamine were found in their possession.

Serian police district chief, DSP Aswandy Anis, said the Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (NCID) officers made the arrest yesterday at 10.45pm at a 24-hour eatery.

“During a body search on the three suspects, police found three big translucent plastic packets containing a crystalised substance with an estimated weight of 0.66g, believed to be Methamphetamine, inside a black shoe of one of the suspects.


“Further investigations led police to find a purple-coloured cigarette packet underneath the front passenger seat of a vehicle used by the three individuals, with 13 transparent plastic packets of various sizes inside, and  containing crystalised substance believed to be Methamphetamine with an estimated weight of 14.58g,” he said in the statement.

Aswandy added that initial urine test on the three suspects revealed positive result of Methamphetamine and Amphetamine.

He said the suspects have been remanded for four days to assist further investigation under Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, Section 39A(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 for drug possession, and also Section 12(2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.

“Background checks on all the suspects revealed that they have previous records involving in drug-related activities and crimes,” he continued.

On a related note, Aswandy expressed hope that the communities in Serian will continue to work together with the police by providing any information on illegal activities in their areas to prevent any crime and drug-related activities.

“We call on all the communities to help relay any information regarding drug activities in their area in order for the police to take action,” he said. —DayakDaily
