27 major infrastructure projects completed under BIMP-EAGA, progress not put off by pandemic

Awang Tengah (third right) attending the BIMP-EAGA Summit from his office.

KUCHING, Oct 29: Priority Infrastructure Projects (PIPs) under the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) cooperation has not been deterred by the Covid-19 pandemic as almost one-third, 27 out of 88 projects have been completed.

Mukah Airport and LNG ISO Tank Export Facilities in Bintulu Port were among the 27 finished PIPs while others included Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Bridge between Manadoā€“Bitung Toll Road and Balikpapan to Samarinda Toll Road, ports of Manado and Puerto Princesa, Juwata International Airport, and the General Santos Aerotropolis Airport.

Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Industrial Terminal and Entrepreneur Development (MINTRED) Sarawak said with such impressive pace, BIMP-EAGA leaders reaffirmed their commitment to jointly addressing the impact of Covid-19 and lay the groundwork for economic recovery.


“BIMP-EAGA will further enhance its role as a building block of ASEAN and the leaders agreed to take decisive steps in aligning BIMP-EAGA recovery and resilience measures with the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework’s broad strategies.

“They committed to fortify BIMP-EAGA cooperation in all sectors, build on significant achievements in connectivity, and strengthen economic corridors and special economic zones (SEZs) development to sustain trade and supply chains, attract quality investments, and promote inclusive growth in the new normal.

“The leaders believed that quality, seamless, multi-modal infrastructure is essential to the facilitation of trade, movement of people, and the provision of basic services in BIMP-EAGA region,” said the ministry in a statement today.

The exchange between leaders of the four countries took place during yesterday (Oct 28)’s virtual 14th BIMP-EAGA Summit, an event for BIMP-EAGA member countries to get updated on latest development initiated under the BIMP-EAGA regional cooperation and discuss the way forward.

Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister and Minister-in-charge of BIMP-EAGA Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan represented Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg in the event.

BIMP-EAGA member countries’ representatives in an exchange via online.

Among other attendees were Prime Minister Dato Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Sultan Haji Hasannal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widod, President of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte, ASEAN secretary-general Dato Lim Jock Hoi, and Asian Development Bank (ADB) president Masatsugu Asakawa. ā€” DayakDaily
