[Updated] 20 Covid-19 fatalities, Sarawak sets highest single-day death count

Covid-19 (file photo).

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Sept 19: Sarawak has recorded the highest single-day death count in its Covid-19 history, with a total of 20 fatalities today.

According to the reports by State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), Sibu registered four mortalities, the most number of deaths followed by Serian with two.


Lubok Antu, Miri, and Sri Aman each detected two victims while Beluru, Bintulu, Kanowit, Bau, Matu, Selangau, and Kuching each reported one death.

Out of the 20 deaths, three were brought-in-dead (BID) cases where two came from Serian and another from Sri Aman.

The youngest victim was a 45-year-old male from Bintulu who tested positive for Covid-19 on Sept 15. He had medical histories of hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and heart disease.

On the contrary, the oldest victim was a 97-year-old male from Serian who had no known illnesses. He was one of the three BIDs.

Meanwhile, all the other 18 had comorbidities.

With 20 more deaths reported, the death toll due to Covid-19 in Sarawak stood at 689. ā€” Dayakdaily
