14 opposition-held areas given food supply by the state government

Workers unloading food supply from a truck carrying the food supply for the Kota Sentosa constituency which are ready to be delivered to the residences at the area.

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, April 18: The 14 constituencies held by the opposition has been provided with 43,280 packages of food aid by the state government through the respective Divisional Disaster Management Committee (DDMC).

The food supply chain sub-committee chairperson Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah revealed that food supply has been distributed to all areas held by the oppositions as of April 17 (yesterday).


She revealed the areas include Opar, Padungan, Pending, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa, Engkilili, Krian, Bukit Assek, Dudong, Bawang Assan, Pelawan, Tanjong Datu, Pujut and Ba Kelalan.

Fatimah stated that Ba Kelalan has the highest number of food supply being sent with  5,274 packages, followed by Dudong (4,200 packages), Krian (4,000 packages), Batu Lintang (4,000 packages), Engkilili (4,066 packages) and so forth.

“The (food supply chain) sub-committee chaired by Deputy Chief Minister YB Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan has always emphasised that those who need to be assisted due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) must be provided with the food aid.

“The objective of this sub-committee is to ensure that whoever is entitled to in all the 82 constituencies – the households in the rural and remote areas, the urban poor and those without income due to the MCO – are provided with essential food during the MCO period.

“Each constituency is given an allocation of RM200,000 channelled to DDMC, irrespective whether the areas are under the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) or the opposition.

“Thus, there are no politics to this programme,” Fatimah who is Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development Minister said in a statement.

She disclosed that the distribution of food supply to the opposition constituencies is still ongoing.

Fatimah noted all name lists from various sources – government agencies such as the local authorities, Sarawak Welfare Department, the elected representatives’ service centers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individuals – are submitted to the DDMC for central coordination and verification.

Fatimah highlighted that the DDMC as the main coordinator for the food supply programme must ensure that the food distribution is carried out smoothly in all divisions and districts.

“On this note, on behalf of the Chairman of this Sub-Committee, I would like to congratulate and thank all those who have worked very hard to ensure that there is food on their table for the targeted groups is achieved.

“In the line of duty, these officers and volunteers are also exposing themselves to the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). This is not the time to play politics. We must be united to ensure that we can all overcome this Covid-19 crisis,” Fatimah stressed.

In the meantime, Fatimah urges any deserving individuals for the food aid and those who have been missed out unintentionally to report to the respective DDMC or the Sarawak Welfare Divisional offices (PKMB) for immediate action.

She revealed that they can contact the respective DDMC offices at the following numbers: DDMC Kuching at 082-507 700, DDMC Samarahan at 082-673 833, DDMC Serian at 082-872 472, DDMC Sri Aman at 083-320 084, DDMC Betong at 083-472 866, DDMC Sarikei at 084-654 396, DDMC Mukah at 084-872 596, DDMC Sibu at 084-317 934, DDMC Kapit at 013-668 9968, DDMC Bintulu at 086-331 742, DDMC Miri at 085-322 737, DDMC Limbang at 085-211 744.

Otherwise, she disclosed that they can contact the respective offices of Sarawak Welfare Divisional Offices (PKBM) located throughout Sarawak.

They are PKBM Kuching at 082-507 111, PKBM Samarahan at 082-671 191, PKBM Serian at 082-872 472, PKBM Sri Aman at 083-321 730, PKBM Betong at 083-471 952, PKBM Sarikei at 084-651 005, PKBM Mukah at 084-873 801, PKBM Sibu at 084-330 675, PKBM Kapit at 084-796 152, PKBM Bintulu at 086-332 341, PKBM Miri at 085-419 073 and PKBM Limbang at 085-211930. —DayakDaily

A list showing the record of total food being distributed to the opposition areas as of April 17. Information supplied by Ministry of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development Sarawak.
A residence in the Kota Sentosa constituency receiving the food aid delivered to him by the officers from the DDMC.

