YPS to focus on online events during CMCO

Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak (YPS) logo. Photo credit: YPS Facebook

KUCHING, Feb 16: Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak (YPS) will be implementing a few online webinars in the coming weeks in efforts to create space for people to come together and strengthen unity during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period.

Its deputy chairman Tan Sri Dr George Chan emphasised that YPS is focusing on the theme of “creating space for people to come together” even during the Covid-19 pandemic as there were many ways to connect digitally and online in this day and age.

“In view of the present pandemic, YPS will be focusing on programmes that are suited to the current situation.


“YPS wants to focus on strengthening unity through understanding and appreciation of Sarawak’s multi-cultural and multi-ethnic way of life.

“We are currently working with a local PR & Communications firm to start with programmes that are doable including webinars and online campaigns,” he said in a media release today.

Once the situation cleared, Chan added that YPS planned to organise more programmes offline to further cultivate and drive its objectives that were aligned with their strategic direction for 2021-2025.

“We want to reach out to different communities all over Sarawak in order to build more opportunities for Sarawakians to appreciate our differences which is what makes us so unique,” he pointed out.

Chan also highlighted that YPS was ready to start implementing its three strategic objectives.

“Firstly, to create a peaceful and conducive environment for continuous development and progress of the state.

“Secondly, to foster, develop and improve cultural and educational exchanges among the various communities in Sarawak.

“And thirdly, to promote unity through education and interaction by contributing towards cultural research and teaching,” he said.

YPS is a non-profit organisation set up to foster unity at all levels of society in Sarawak through its various efforts and endeavors. YPS can be contacted on email at hello@yps.org.my. — DayakDaily
