World’s longest woven mat featured at Sarawak Energy’s 100 Years of Powering Sarawak exhibition

Promotional material featuring Sarawak Energy's 100 Years of Powering Sarawak exhibition.

KUCHING, June 3: The ‘Longest Woven Mat In The World’ is featured at Sarawak Energy’s 100 Years of Powering Sarawak exhibition which is taking place at the Borneo Cultures Museum starting today until July 15.

According to a media release today, Sarawak Energy started as an Electrical Section within the Public Works Department in 1921 to oversee electricity supply in Sarawak.

From a humble customer base of 84 customers in 1923, the corporation now serves a population of three million Sarawakians in urban and rural areas as well as bulk power to energy intensive and export customers through its 5,400 multidisciplinary workforce, making Sarawak Energy the largest employer of professional Sarawak talent.


In 2021, Sarawak Energy marked a century of growth and transformation from a traditional utility into a vertically integrated power utility and the largest renewable energy developer in Malaysia.

At a hybrid townhall event in February officiated by Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, Sarawak Energy celebrated its transformational journey over the past century and provided a look forward into the next century of growth.

“The corporation is also marking this milestone through an exhibition. Visitors will be brought through Sarawak’s electrification journey and the current initiatives to power a more sustainable and renewable energy future,” the statement said.

More importantly, Sarawak Energy emphasised that it is keen to partner communities in its area of operations on sustainable livelihood programmes that also showcase Sarawak culture to a larger audience.

“With that, the exhibition also features a section of the “Longest Woven Rug/Mat In The World” as recorded by Guinness Book of World Records – an achievement by the Orang Ulu women weavers in Sarawak Energy’s project areas.”

In support of the communities in Murum, Bakun and Baleh, there will be a special basket weaving and beadwork demonstration by women artisans on June 16 and 20. — DayakDaily
