Woman calls up 20 men to threaten daughter in family feud

RC Pujut patrolling team members at the scene. The 19-year-old daughter (fourth from right) explaining the situation before they all went to Lutong Police Station.

MIRI, July 24: Apparently incensed with her 19-year-old daughter’s request for her to babysit the youngest child in the family, a woman called up 20 men to threaten her daughter on Monday.

It is understood the woman has been living with her boyfriend ever since her husband passed away several years ago, leaving the family to be cared for by her 19-year-old daughter.

The 9.30pm incident in a house in Tudan Desaras is believed to have started when the teenage daughter asked her mother to look after the youngest child in the family, aged five years, as she (daughter) had to go to school the following day (July 24).


However, the woman got angry with the request and brought 20 men, including her boyfriend, to her daughter’s house in Tudan Desaras to scare her.

Concerned neighbours immediately alerted Pujut Resident Committee (RC Pujut) for assistance.

No one was hurt in the incident.

The 19-year-old daughter later lodged a report at the Lutong Police Stattion.

According to preliminary police investigation, the 19-year-old has been the breadwinner of the family ever since their father died.

She alleged that her mother used all the financial aid from the Welfare Department to support her boyfriend, leaving nothing for her own family. — DayakDaily
